MP3 EncodersThere are three backend encoders that are supported at the moment. Rosoft MP3 Encoder is an old Fraunhofer MP3 Encoder we sold in 2001 but due to huge license fees our customers told us to start support the free Lame Encoder which you have to download your self. Most people didn't want to pay the extra that the Fraunhofer MP3 Encoder backend cost If you don't have that one we recommend you to use Lame Encoder which is as good as Fraunhofers MP3 Encoder. Some even say that the Lame Encoder is better but that is very individual. We have made tests at our labs and found that the Fraunhofer MP3 Encoder was a little better is you used High Quality and low bitrates. For most people the Lame Encoder is good enough. If you are a trained musician or if you work as a sound engineer then you might be able to hear the difference in one of a hundreds files. Find out more about the different MP3 encoders below.
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